When are Daffodils available to send with local florists near me?

About Daffodils - The National flower of Wales

Daffodils flower type




Daffodils are split into 13 different divisions. These divisions are classified depending on the forms of the flowers, or their botanical name. The different species of daffodils total approximately 50 kinds, being based on their similarities, as well as hybrid forms.


Narcissus are perennial (long-lasting) plants. They are very well-known, and date back to ancient times, having been used for both botanical and medicinal purposes. The name Narcissus has unclear origins. However, it is linked to the word narcotic, which is Greek for intoxicated, as well as the Greek myth of the man who became infatuated with his own reflection.

The English phrase daffodil is a word created from the term asphodel, another flower that it is often compared to. In the Western world, the daffodil has been long seen as a sign of vanity, while in the East it is used to symbolise great fortune. The daffodil also has ties to Wales, being the national flower of the country.

Daffodils flower type


Daffodils have a hollow flower stem, with an array of green narrow leaves leading from the bulb. At the top of the stem is a single flower, although in some species the daffodil will form a cluster at the top. Daffodils have a corona in the centre which can resemble a trumpet, and petals that go all around.

The standard daffodil is a golden yellow colour; however, the trumpet part may have a contrasting hue. While this yellow colour is the most common, daffodils can also blossom in cream, orange and pink, too. The trumpet shape is not the only shape possible for the daffodil to take. There are a variety of daffodils with large or split cups instead.

Growth & Maintenance

Daffodils are found in the Mediterranean region, with many of them in the Iberian peninsular. They can also be found in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Daffodils are long-lasting flowers that sprout from bulbs. In moderate climates they tend to flower from the start of spring. Daffodils have a tendency to grow in large clusters and can be found covering hillsides and lawns frequently

When growing your own daffodils, the depth of the plant needs to be three times the height. Big bulbs should be plotted 6 to 8 inches deep. Other sunflowers can be scaled down depending on the size. Using an adequate soil load will help to keep the bulbs protected and also keep the sunflower upright for longer.

Just like a lot of perennials, daffodils thrive when given 1 inch of water a week during their adolescent growth stage. This is usually from March up until May. Daffodils also appreciate mulching and will conserve more moisture this way.

Giving your daffodil bulbs plenty of rich, well-drained soil is very good for them. You can also use organic fertilisers and put them right into the planting hole as they will not burn the bulbs. Dividing the clumps of daffodil bulbs every five or so years will help to preserve them.

Read more from the Our Guide To Spotting Flowers series

Direct2florist - an easy way to order fresh daffodils online when in season, hand delivered as beautiful gift flowers by professional local florists.

By Miles Warner 24 September 2020