Valentine’s Day Flowers by Florists

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        BFA Floristry Service Provider of the Year 2024

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        The best Valentine’s Day flowers by florists

        Nothing beats the thrill of receiving flowers on Valentine’s Day and there’s no better time to arrange your surprise delivery than now. From the timelessly classic single red rose or a luxurious dozen, to your special someone’s personal favourite flowers, Direct2florist’s network of skilled independent florists are ready to create a gift that will help make your Valentine’s Day truly memorable.

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        When only the best Valentine's flowers will do

        When sending Valentine's Day flowers through Direct2florist you can rest assured that your flowers will be lovingly crafted by a skilled professional florist using the very best flowers available. Plus, we'll deliver your gift by hand with your personalised card message to make your gift extra personal. When only the best will do and you want your Valentine's Day flowers to be remembered for all the right reasons, trust the specialists at Direct2florist.

        Young woman smiling receiving a Valentine's day bouquet of a dozen red roses.

        Approved florists

        Chocolates and flowers for the perfect match

        If you would like to make your gift of Valentine's flowers even more special, why not add a box of tasty chocolates? Or perhaps you would like to combine your Valentine's roses with a teddy bear? Either make for the perfect combination, just like you and your special one! Simply select the option when ordering and your florist will do the rest.

        Close up of a hand holding Direct2florist branded chocolates

        Approved florists

        The history of Valentine's Day Flower Delivery

        "For romantics everywhere, Valentine’s Day is the time of the year to celebrate the special person in their life. Hundreds of years of traditions and customs have made it into the holiday that we observe today, with flower sending – particularly red roses – at the heart of celebrations.

        Here at Direct2florist, we’re often asked when is Valentine’s Day? The answer of course is February 14th every year. But why do we celebrate it on this date?

        There are various stories, but perhaps the most popular belief is that Valentine`s Day originated during the third century in Rome, after Emperor Claudius II banned marriage because he thought married men were bad soldiers. A young priest named Valentine was furious with this injustice and defied Claudius by continuing to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. Claudius eventually discovered Valentine’s actions and sentenced him to death. During his time in prison, he fell in love with the jailer's daughter and when he was taken to be killed on 14th February, 270 AD, he sent her a love letter signed ""from your Valentine"".

        The date was key at the time – the Romans had a festival called Lupercalia in the middle of February – officially the start of their springtime. As part of this celebration, boys drew names of girls from a box. They'd be boyfriend and girlfriend during the festival and sometimes they'd get married. Later on, the church wanted to turn this festival into a Christian celebration and decided to use it to remember Valentine too.

        Gradually, Valentine's name started to be used by people to express their feelings to those they loved and some 200-plus years after Valentine’s death, Pope Gelasius declared the date as a day to honour Valentine, who by that time had become a saint."

        Smiling florist at front door holding a red themed Valentine's Bouquet ringing the door bell

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