Pink Roses and Carnations make this gift timeless and classic
6 pink roses and 6 Pink carnations were used to make this hand-tied. The customer will be expecting this combination. Different shades of pink of either flower will be acceptable. If the customer chooses the higher priced item more roses and carnations should be added. Gift wrapped and delivered in water in wrapping of your choosing (If these products are not available please reject or contact customer to advise of alternatives).
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A delightful arrangement of pink and purple seasonal flowers, beautifully complemented by lush green foliage. Presented in beautiful packaging this bouquet adds a touch of contemporary elegance to any occasion.
A collection of pink and white flowers and fillers with purple / lilac / blue flowers depending upon season with mixed foliage.
Hand tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging
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A stunning collection of pink and green seasonal flowers in toning packaging. This bouquet is designed to impress and uplift any space.
Different shades of pink flowers with the addition of green flowers or fillers.
Hand tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging.
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Share your sentiments with this beautiful arrangement of white and green blooms complemented by lush greenery. Presented in elegant wrapping.
Green and white seasonal blooms and fillers with a collection of green foliage.
Hand Tied and wrapped using complementary packaging.
Please try if possible to use sustainable packaging.
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Show your grand affection with this luxurious bouquet of the finest blooms of the season. Arranged in beautiful packaging, this bouquet is perfect for expressing your deepest emotions and making a lasting impression.
A beautiful collection of pink, white and blue / purple high quality seasonal flowers and fillers. This is total luxury and the customer is expecting high quality.
Presented as a hand tied in complementary wrapping.
Please if possible use sustainable packaging.
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Looking for that ultimate gift that's out of this world!? Look no further. This fabulous hand-tied of the finest and freshest blooms is all you need to make a lasting impression...
A fabulous collection of pink shaded choice flowers and foliage in a hand-tied wrapped and presented as you think appropriate. The customer will be expecting high quality roses and lilies to be included.
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This classical stylish collection of flowers, make this hand tied the perfect gift. Flowers professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist.
Hand-tied flowers in varying shades of purple, lilacs, cerise and white to dominate with mixed foliages.Wrapped and presented as you wish.
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Say hello in style with this fabulous hand-tied. Why not take the opportunity to be spontaneous and surprise them today with a stunning flower delivery by their local florist.
Shades of pink, cerise and white flowers with mixed foliages Hand-tied wrapped and presented as you wish.
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Shower them with love with this cutesy collection of seasonal flowers in pretty pastels. Beautifully arranged and stylishly presented in a traditional basket.
An arrangement in a handled basket in foam / other using pastel traditional shaded flowers. A fabric bow was used to enhance the design. Top tip: Make the design with long lasting foliage before completing the design with choice flowers.
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A beautiful collection of flowers simply wrapped and ready to arrange.
Flowers in shades of yellow and white, simply wrapped in paper or your choice with no cellophane. Customer is expecting eco-friendly.
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Show your affection with this fabulous hand-tied featuring white oriental lilies and foliage.
White oriental lilies and choice foliage are hand-tied and presented in gift box or bag. White lilies are expected so if none available, please contact the customer to agree an alternative or reject.
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Send a message straight from your heart with this delightful envelope arrangement of romantic flowers
A kraft envelope was lined and filled with foam before making the design in long lasting foliage. 3 short red roses and 3 red carnations and complementary filler were then added along with a novelty pick and ribbon to complete.
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A welcomed addition to any flower delivery, add an elegant glass vase to your order and leave a lasting impression. (Design may vary)
Add-on Glass Vase
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(Florist Choice) A soft toy gift available as an addition to your floral gift.
Florist Choice soft toy.
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(Florist Choice) A delicious regular sized gift delivered as an addition to your floral gift.
(Florist Choice) A delicious gift of 12 chocolates, that is only available as an addition to your flower order.
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Funeral Flowers in Cellophane. Yellow.
Flowers wrapped in Cellophane suitable for a funeral. Ribbon suitable for a funeral. Suggested flowers: Yellow Roses, Yellow Germini, Yellow Santini Chry-santhemum, White Spray Roses, White Lisianthus, Red Hypericum. Sug-gested foliage: Ruscus, Pittosporum, Eucalyptus.
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Funeral Flowers in Cellophane Purple & White.
Flowers wrapped in Cellophane suitable for a funeral. Ribbon suitable for a funeral. Suggested flowers: White Roses, Purple Lisianthus, Purple and White Lisianthus, White Chrysanthemum Spray, Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Leather Leaf, Pittosporum.
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Tied Sheaf White & Green.
Flowers tied in Sheaf style suitable for a funeral. Fabric Bow at tie point. Suggested flowers: White Roses, Green Blooms, White Lisianthus, White Spray Roses, White Alstroemeria, Cream Chrysanth Spray, Gypsophila, White Germini. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Leather Leaf, Aralia Leaves.
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Example Style 2: Dad in Letters.
(All words available in this style.) Oasis Dad Frame. Foliage edge and base. Suggested flowers: Purple Lisianthus, Lilac September Flower, White Spray Roses, Cream Santini Chrysanthe-mum Spray, Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Leather Leaf.
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Example Style 1: MUM in Letters.
Oasis Mum" Frame. Pink Ribbon edge. Suggested flowers: White Double Chrysanth Spray
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Full Heart of Elegant Red and Green Flowers.
38cm x 38cm / 15” x 15” Solid Oasis Heart Frame. Foliage edge. Suggested flowers: Red Roses, Red Germini, Red Spray Carnations, Green Santini, Chrysanth. Suggested foliage: Pittosporum and Ruskus.
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White Massed Heart with Yellow & Purple Spray.
33cm x 33cm / 13” Solid Oasis Heart Frame. Ribbon edge in Lemon. Suggested flowers: Massed base of White Double Chrysanthemum. Main and Small Spray of Yellow Roses and Purple Lisianthus. Suggested foliage: Dracaena, Bear Grass, Eucalyptus and Hard Ruscus.
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Open Heart in Pink Shades.
43cm x 43cm / 17” Oasis Open Heart Frame. Foliage edge, Suggested flowers: Pink Roses, Pink Germini, Pink Alstroemeria, Pink Chrysanth Spray. Suggested foliage: Pittosporum and Ruscus.
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The spray will be arranged in Oasis by a professional florist using a beautiful collection of flowers and foliage.
The spray will be arranged in Oasis by a professional florist using a beautiful collection of flowers and foliage suitable for the occasion . Colours and requested flowers cannot be guaranteed. Small (2ft), Medium (3ft), Large (4ft) *Fine Print: Every product is hand made and delivered by the local florist. Pictures shown are recent examples of an actual arrangement that was designed by talented florists! Please note that each individual florist cannot guarantee what the flower varieties or colours will be (unless specified on the product description), they will guarantee that
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Red Rose Single Ended Spray.
Single Ended Spray in Oasis Spray Tray or Florette Grande. Approx 90cm long / 50cm width. Suggested flowers: High quality Red Rosesi.e. Red Naomi. Suggested foliage: Aspidistra, Ivy, Eucalyptus, Aralia, Hard Ruscus, Salal.
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Red & White Single Ended Spray.
Single Ended Spray in Oasis Spray Tray or Florette Grande. 75cm long and 45cm wide Suggested flowers: Red Roses, White Roses, White Carnations, Gypsophila, Red Germini. Suggested foliage: Eucalyptus and Leather Leaf.
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Yellow & White Single Ended Spray.
Single Ended Spray in Oasis Spray Tray or Florette Grande. Approx 75cm long / 45cm width. Suggested flowers: Yellow Roses, Yellow Carnations, Chrysanth Spray. Suggested foliage: Aspidistra and Eucalyp-tus.
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Multi Coloured Single Ended Spray.
Single Ended Spray in Oasis Spray Tray or Florette Grande. Approx 75 cm long / 45cm width. Suggested flowers: Pink Oriental Lilies, Cerise Carnations, Peach Roses, Lilac September Flower, Red Spray Carnations. Suggested foliage: Eucalyptus, Aspidistra, Leather Leaf.
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All White & Green Double Ended Spray.
Double Ended Spray on Oasis Spray Tray or Florette Grande. Approx 100cm long / 50cm width. Suggested flowers: White large headed Roses, Green Blooms, White Oriental Lilies, White Antirrhinum. Suggested foliage: Eucalyptus, Aspidistra, Pittosporum, Leather Leaf.
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Red & Pink Classic Posy.
24cm / 10” Posy Pad. Foliage edge. Suggested flowers: Pink Roses, Red Spray Carnations, Red Santini Chrysanthemum Spray. Suggested foliage: Pittosporum, Salal.
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White Massed Base Posy with Red Rose Spray.
Oasis 20cm / 8” Posy Pad. Ribbon edge. Suggested flowers: Double White Chrysanthemum Spray, Red Roses, White Spray Roses. Suggested foliage: Eucalyptus, Ivy.
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Lilac & White Posy.
This is a funeral posy in oasis. 20cm / 8” Posy Pad. Foliage edge. Suggested flowers: White Ger-mini, Lilac Freesia, Delianne style Chrysanth Spray, Green Hypericum. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Salal.
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Classic Wreath in White.
40cm / 16” Oasis Wreath Frame. Mixed Foliage Edge. Suggested flowers: White Chrysanthemum Blooms, White Gerbera, White Lisianthus, White Spray Carnations, White Santini Chrysanthemum. Suggested foliage: Leather Leaf, Eucalyptus and Ruscus.
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Classic Wreath with Mixed Flowers.
40cm / 16” Oasis Wreath Frame. Foliage edge.
Suggested flowers: Bright and Vibrant. Cerise Spray Carnations, Orange Roses,
Cerise Roses, Orange Germini, Purple Statice, Green Chrysanth, Eryngi-um,
Yellow Solidaster. Suggested foliage: Hard Ruscus.
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Classic Wreath in Purple & White.
30cm / 12” Oasis Wreath Frame. Foliage edge. Suggested flowers: White Roses,
Purple Carnations, Purple Lisianthus and Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Hard Ruscus.
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Classic Wreath in Peach & Green.
36cm / 14” Oasis Wreath Frame. Foliage edge. Suggested foliage: Hard Ruscus. Suggested flowers: Peach Roses, Orange Germini, Green Carna-tions, Red Hypericum, Gypsophila, White Chrysanthemum.
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White Massed Wreath with Red Rose Spray.
40cm / 16” Oasis Wreath Frame with a Red Ribbon edge. Suggested flowers: Massed base of White Double Chrysanth with Main Spray and Small Spray of Red Roses and Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Ivy and Eucalyptus.
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Teddy Bear Blue. (Also available in Pink.)
Oasis standing Teddy Bear. Suggested flowers: Double White Chrysanth Spray, White Carnations painted Blue with Oasis Spray Paint. Craspedia used for buttons. Fabric Ribbon for bow at neck.
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White Massed 43cm Cushion with Red Rose Spray.
43cm x 43cm Oasis Cushion Frame. Ribbon edge in Red. Suggested flowers: White Double Chrysanthemum. Red Roses and Gyp-sophila. Suggested foliage: Ivy, Flexi Grass, Eucalyptus.
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