Winter flowers delivered by local florists

Winter is a wonderful time for flowers. Many beautiful flowers really come into their own at this time of the year, as does beautiful foliage. Winter is also a brilliant time for sending flowers. Not only can they help to banish the winter blues, but a brilliant bouquet packed full of winter flowers can be used to celebrate occasions when it’s too cold or wet to head outdoors, bringing joy to a home in the darker months.

 Order Evelyn flowers


A fabulous collection of white and cream flowers make this the perfect gift. This bouquet will be hand delivered by the local florist.

 Order Dawn flowers


Inspired by nature, a floral gift perfectly arranged in a container.

 Order Florist Choice Flowers flowers

Florist Choice Flowers

Spoilt for choice? Let our experts create something for you. These flowers will be hand delivered by the local florist and often on flowers can be delivered on the same day if ordered before 2pm.

 Order Vintage Flowers flowers

Vintage Flowers

Soft shades make this elegant glass Vase of luxury flowers the perfect gift.

 Order Sparkling Champagne flowers

Sparkling Champagne

Send luxury at its finest with this breathtaking composition made with the most desirable blooms. If you`re looking for that extra special gift with that added WOW factor - You’ve found it!

 Order Ava flowers


A creamy selection of blossoming buds in shades of white


What colours are best for a winter bouquet?

If you’re looking to lift someone’s spirits during the darker winter months, look no further than bold red and orange colours. Bright whites are also a timeless winner, as are shades of green found in the beautiful foliage used at this time of the year. Red and green are long associated with Christmas and are popular across the winter period.

What flowers are best for a winter bouquet?

Although many flowers are available all year round nowadays, there are plenty of seasonal winter flowers to choose from. The local, independent florists that Direct2florist will connect you with will often select the following winter flowers for use in their seasonal bouquets: roses, amaryllis, chrysanthemums, anemones, camellias, lilies, forget-me-nots, early-season tulips, gardenias, orchids and gerberas. For Christmas, holly and poinsettias also come to the fore.

How do I look after flowers during winter?

Winter is a time for chilly draughts, radiators and log fires, all of which flowers should ideally be kept away from in order to maximise their life. Top up vases with water every couple of days and use the specialist flower food if it was supplied with your winter flowers, which will make a big difference. By sending winter flowers through Direct2florist, the local florist handmaking and delivering the bouquet will use only the freshest flowers that have been kept in optimal conditions.