White Flowers, Send White Flowers & Bouquets

Simple, elegant and classic. Few colours are enduringly popular when sending flowers than white. That’s why sending white flowers through Direct2florist for delivery by a local independent florist can be a heartfelt and meaningful gesture for a wide variety of occasions.

 Order Grace flowers


A basket to delight - themed in whites. Make it a special occasion and show them just how much they mean to you.

 Order Evelyn flowers


A fabulous collection of white and cream flowers make this the perfect gift. This bouquet will be hand delivered by the local florist.

 Order Olivia flowers


A stunning arrangement of luxurious flowers in a white & cream colourway. Made to impress in a stylish hat box.

 Order Serena flowers


A beautiful bouquet filled with a selection of serene flowers & foliage - A lovely gift for a special day.

 Order Jasmine flowers


Create a memorable moment with this stunning hand-tied of whites, creams & greens. Delivered in a stylish gift bag or box.

 Order Ava flowers


A creamy selection of blossoming buds in shades of white


Send white flowers through local florists

Simple, elegant and classic. Few colours are enduringly popular when sending flowers than white. That’s why sending white flowers through Direct2florist for delivery by a local independent florist can be a heartfelt and meaningful gesture for a wide variety of occasions.

White flower bouquets exude elegance, and the good news for those looking to send a white flower gift is that there is plenty to choose from! From cool whites and dreamy creams to rich ivories, there’s a white flower for every occasion. Popular white flowers include white roses, calla lilies, tulips, gerberas and chrysanthemums, which all contract beautifully with the fresh foliage used by local florists. White flowers are often associated with purity, innocence, and sympathy, making them a popular choice for weddings, funerals, and other significant events. Lilies are the ideal and undoubtedly popular choice for funeral flowers and sympathy arrangements. 

When you opt to send white flowers through Direct2florist for delivery by a local independent florist, you can expect a personalised touch and attention to detail that may be lacking in larger commercial establishments. Skilled local florists take pride in their craft and strive to create unique and stunning arrangements tailored to your specific needs. Whether you want a simple bouquet of white roses or an elaborate arrangement with a mix of white blooms, a local independent florist can bring your vision to life.

Sending white flowers via a local independent florist is not only a beautiful gesture but also an opportunity to support local businesses and foster a sense of community. It allows you to connect with skilled artisans who are passionate about their craft and who take pride in creating stunning arrangements that convey your emotions and intentions. So, the next time you want to send white flowers, consider reaching out to a local independent florist and experience the difference they can make in your floral gifting experience.