Send Flowers to Russia from UK

Sending flowers to Russia from the UK is now easier than ever with Direct2florist. Here at Dirct2florist we have established a fantastic relationship with expert local florist Vyacheslav, the owner of Flowers World Russia based and working out of Moscow.

During our many emails and order fulfilments via Flowers World Russia, we can 100% vouch for their expertise and quality of flower delivery in Moscow and all across Russia. It’s not just the speed of delivery and the fresh quality of flowers - its the expert communication that sets Vyacheslav apart, You can be sure of dedicated and professional flower delivery. What’s more at Direct2florist we offer a secure way for customers to order. All transactions are processed via Barclays or Paypal and are using the highest levels of merchant service encryption. The most important fact is that Direct2florist does not store ANY debit or credit card information.

Click to Order Kiss


Click to Order My Dear

My Dear

Click to Order Holiday

With Holiday

Click to Order Confetti



Fast delivery of flowers in Moscow and Russia. If you need quick flower deliveries, Flowers World Russia often amaze us here at Direct2florist. The speed and professionalism of delivery is pretty much second to none, and this is reflected in the awesome FEEFO reviews they have received so far. Did you know the Direct2florist system enables member florists to tag your order as delivered? This is great news when you are sending flowers thousands of miles across the globe, to hear confirmation from the local florist. Some of our member florists also send photos back to the customer which is very great to see for the sender.

Click to Order 11 Classic Roses

11 Classic Roses

Click to Order Fragrant Bouquet

Fragrant Bouquet

Click to Order My Favourite

My Favourite

Click to Order Russian Field

Russian Field


If you are sending flowers to Russia for flower delivery in Russia, you can be sure of the best quality service from Direct2florist and our partner florist Flowers World Russia, but don’t just take our word for it - check recent awards.

Click to Order Palette


Click to Order Love


Click to Order 19 Roses + Chocolates

19 Roses + Chocolates

Click to Order a Bouquet Of 101 Roses

Bouquet Of 101 Roses


Why choose Direct2florist? Direct2florist offers customers a safe and secure way to order flowers from local florists; across the Globe. Our e-commerce technology guarantees safe and secure shopping and instant connections with reputable florists. But don’t just take our word for it! As of April 2019 there are already over 50,000 FEEFO customer reviews placed - with an average score of 4.6 / 5

British Florist Association Service Provider of the Year - WINNERS 2018Fresh Produce Awards 2019 - Shortlisted WINNERS 2019

If you have any questions regarding your flower delivery to Russia email the team at