At Direct2florist we offer a unique way to order flowers direct from local florists in UK. Use the search box to locate the closest florist and view their products online or order from the selection below at your convenience. Ordering online is quick and simple; and with many florists offering 24 hour service, your flowers could be here the very same day! With the option of a personalised written card, your flowers are hand delivered by a local florist to the address you give. Many florists even deliver worldwide, so no matter where the receiver is, beautiful flowers or other gifts could be in their arms on a special occasion. Lots of florists make it really easy to personalize and style the bouquets of flowers, which gives your flowers an even greater bespoke look. It's really easy to order the products from your local florist; just click add to cart, choose you size, add your card message and the occasion! Then paying can be done through Mastercard, Discover, PayPal or Visa!