Pam Bryan at Pam’s Florist in Corby recently invested in a bespoke Direct2florist built website for her business, replacing an existing site that wasn’t bringing her any business. Here Pam tells us why she opted for a Direct2florist site, what the build and set-up involved and why it will soon pay for itself.
Online and open for business
The need for a new website…
“I had a site before but it was too hard for people to understand and navigate around, which meant we didn’t get many orders. That meant it was losing us money and just not worth having. However, I knew that the business had to be online so we decided to invest in a totally new site.”
On choosing the Direct2florist bespoke website service…
“I’ve known Simon at Direct2florist for many, many years, going back to the days when we used to hire a computer from him. Pam’s Florist later joined Direct2florist and we always got on really well with him and liked what he was doing with that business. We were therefore fully aware that he knows all about online business and technology, so we decided that if anybody could do a better job and give us a more effective website, it was Simon and his team.”
The ease of service…
“Getting online with Direct2florist couldn’t have been simpler. It would only have taken a few days to get our new site up and running but it ended up taking the best part of three weeks because of the people we had our previous site with. They wouldn’t co-operate with the switchover of our domain name, which held us up. Simon was great in dealing with them and helped us all of the way through the transfer. It’s this extra help that Simon and his team delivers that made us confident we had chosen the right people for our new site.”
On the design of the site…
“Simon asked me various questions about the design and what I wanted and then came back with some initial layouts and details of the pages on the site. We had the chance to review the design throughout the build as it was very much a joint collaboration. We had plenty of opportunities to have our say, which is the beauty of having a bespoke site made rather than having to choose from templates.”
Content for the site…
“I used some of the content we already had on the old site and Simon added some new bits and pieces to it where required. It’s really easy for me to add more words and change whatever I want because the control panel is great to use. That means you can sort out the basics on the site, get it up live quickly and then revise the text later. The key is that there’s a site making money for you while you add more product descriptions and things like that when you get a moment.”
Rapid return on investment…
“The site has been live now for just over a week and already 14 orders have come through. Some of those were telephone orders but the customers had been on the site prior to ordering. I worked out how long it would take for me to get my money back and it won’t be long at all! It’s really doing well.”
To see Pam’s site for yourself head along to Visit Pam's Florist . More information regarding Direct2florist’s bespoke website build service can be found at See Examples.