A New Day
Flowers to put a smile on their face. Let them know that you're thinking of them with this fun petite collection of flowers and foliage to send same day. Flowers for same day delivery by the local florist.
Say hello in style with this fabulous hand-tied. Why not take the opportunity to be spontaneous and surprise them today with a stunning flower delivery by their local florist.
Energise their day with a stunning surprise. A warm collection of seasonal flowers artistically arranged by an artistic florist.
Florist Choice Flowers
Spoilt for choice? Let our experts create something for you. These flowers will be hand delivered by the local florist and often on flowers can be delivered on the same day if ordered before 2pm.
Britain’s favourite flower revealed
When it comes to cut flowers, us Brits are a traditional bunch, with the results of a survey released today showing that popular classics such as roses, chrysanths and lillies are the nation’s favourites.
Whilst the rose was the run-away winner, representing 45 per cent of sales, other popular flowers were revealed as chrysanths, lillies and carnations, with the more exotic blooms such as strelitzia making up the minor places.
Direct2Florist’s Managing Director, Simon Stirling said: “The results show that the British public still very much loves the classic favourites, with customers of all ages preferring the timeless appeal of old favourites such as roses and chrysanths to the more exotic varieties. Whilst the sales figures for roses are boosted at Valentine’s Day, with so many different varieties available all-year-round, they really are the ultimate flower for all occasions and all settings.” Other trends highlighted by the survey include a move towards traditional flowers, in particular homegrown varieties such as sweetpea and stocks, and an increase in the number of people buying flowers for their own homes in addition to buying them as gifts.
Britain’s Top-Ten Bestselling Flowers
- Roses
- Lillies
- Chrysanths
- Carnations
- Gerberas
- Tulips
- Sunflowers
- Delphinium
- Freesia
- Thistle