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Florist-Made Bouquets, Delivered by Trusted Courier

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8th Mar


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10th Mar

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Mon - Fri:09:00 - 17:00

Sat:10:00 - 14:00


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        Helpline: 01204 452000

        BFA Floristry Service Provider of the Year 2024

        Rated 4.8/5 x x Trustpilot

        Revolutionising flower sending around the world

        At Direct2florist, we’re proud to be different. Our family-owned business was set up over two decades ago with one goal – to transform the flower sending market for the good of florists and consumers.

        Smiling florist wrapping a vibrant bouquet of sunflowers, roses, and wildflowers at a counter in a floral shop.
        Florist in a brown apron holding a bouquet of red and pink roses with lilies inside a bright and welcoming flower shop.
        Florist carefully tying a ribbon around the stems of a freshly arranged bouquet on a wooden worktable.
        Smiling florist in a denim apron presenting a hand-tied bouquet of pink roses and lush greenery outside her shop.
        Florist in a striped apron holding a bouquet of white roses and fresh greenery outside a charming floral boutique.
        Florist standing outside a flower shop, holding a fresh bouquet, surrounded by beautifully arranged flower displays.
        Florist arranging a bouquet of colorful gerbera daisies in a beautifully decorated flower shop.

        As florists – with flower shops in the North West of England – we had grown increasingly frustrated by the outdated, highly controlling, poor value, commission-based flower sending options available to us. So, we decided to do something about it, setting up Direct2florist to put consumers directly in contact with professional florist shops around the world, in the process giving consumers control of the flower sending process.

        Why go direct?

        Send flowers & support local – it’s a win-win!

        Brighten their day & boost the high street

        Award-winning customer service

        Friendly, expert help—just a call or email away

        Same day international delivery available

        Available on orders placed before 2pm

        Rated 4.8/5 on Trustpilot & Google Reviews

        A trusted service loved by many worldwide

        This system joined together florists who wanted to remain independent and who didn’t want to be dictated to. They didn’t want to be part of the developing and powerful order gathering companies who dictated their stock of flowers and florist sundries and who smothered their artistry and individualism. They did not want to pay huge membership fees and many hidden extras whilst receiving little money for the delivered product. They didn’t want to be delivering flowers for customers who didn’t know that at least 25% of their order value was being taken in commission.

        Understandably, the Direct2florist platform found favour. Today, still family-owned, the business has grown to the point where it has a membership of over 1,000+ florists in 22 countries – a number that continues to grow as florists and consumers alike discover the benefits of going direct. Investment in innovation continues, ensuring florists have the best tools that will help them bloom, and deliver the best possible flowers each and every time.

        “We recognised that both retail and the flower world were changing. Along with my tech-savvy father John, we decided the best way to do this was through a state-of-the-art digital platform. Having developed a system that fit with our hands-on experience of what florists needed and what makes an exceptional flower sending experience, I took to the road in a beaten-up Ford Fiesta to build relationships with florists and demonstrate the system.”

        Simon Stirling

        Managing Director


        Award Winning

        As a result, Direct2florist is a multiple award winner. We’ve scooped the prestigious British Florist Association Flower Sender of the Year and Service Provider of the Year titles a combined 4 times in recent years (before becoming main sponsor of the awards in 2022 to give somebody else a chance!). We’ve also scooped the Feefo Trusted Service Award for customer service. Our award wins in the last.

        In addition, we picked up a Barclays International Growth Award in 2021 in recognition of our work to transform flower sending on a global scale, while the People's Choice North West award win in 2021 recognised our commitment to exceptional customer service.

        Award badges for Direct2florist

        Meet the team

        At Direct2florist we take pride in being family-run. This family feel extends to our team and how we interact with the florists that are integral to the success of our network, and our customers. We treat everybody as if they’re a part of the family – and probably know some of our people better than we do our own aunts, uncles and cousins!

        As a result, our team has been with us for longer than they probably realise, meaning they know the flower sending business inside out. Together, we have a combined experience of well over 100 years at Direct2florist, with people like Zoe Lee, our brilliant business administrator, approaching two decades with us.


        Simon Stirling

        Managing Director


        Jill Stirling

        Account Director


        Wendy Rea

        Business Development Manager


        Zoe Lee

        Office Manager


        Mason Chan

        Lead Developer


        Nilesh Madhavji

        Executive Designer


        Aaron Wilkinson

        Web Developer


        Tracey Vernon

        Customer Service


        Suzy Jefferson

        Customer Service


        Gemma buckley

        Customer Service


        Fiona Stirling

        Product Development