Send Flowers to New Zealand

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We don't have a local florist to hand-deliver in , but don't worry - we have a great alternative for you!

Florist-Made Bouquets, Delivered by Trusted Courier

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Next day delivery is available for orders placed before 12:30pm, Monday to Thursday.
Vase not included.

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12 Results for BL4 7DW

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Oops A Daisy

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8th Mar


9th Mar


10th Mar

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Mon - Fri:09:00 - 17:00

Sat:10:00 - 14:00


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        Helpline: 01204 452000

        BFA Floristry Service Provider of the Year 2024

        Rated 4.8/5 x x Trustpilot

        Send Flowers to New Zealand from UK

        New Zealand may be on the other side of the world, but it might as well be just around the corner thanks to Direct2florist! We make sending flowers from the UK to New Zealand effortless. Whatever the occasion, whether it’s a birthday bouquet in Auckland, a congratulations arrangement in Wellington, or a heartfelt sympathy tribute in Christchurch, we'll help you stay connected, no matter how far apart you are from the special person in New Zealand.

        As always when you send flowers through Direct2florist, your bouquet will be crafted by a skilled local florist, ensuring it arrives fresh and vibrant every time. There’s no mass production, no factory packing...just thoughtful, handcrafted arrangements made by skilled New Zealand florists who care.

        From London to Auckland, we make it simple

        When you need to send flowers to New Zealand from the UK, we make sure that the distance doesn't matter. From Dunedin to Hamilton, or the stunning landscapes of Queenstown, our network of trusted New Zealand florists ensures they arrive in perfect condition, ready to brighten someone’s day.

        Same-day delivery is available across New Zealand if you order before the local cut-off time of 2pm. That means if you’re placing an order in the UK late at night, your flowers could be arriving first thing the next morning in New Zealand. It’s the kind of service that makes distance feel smaller.

        How can I send flowers from the UK to New Zealand?

        To send flowers to New Zealand from the UK, at any time of day, simply let us know where you're sending flowers, browse a selection of brilliant independent New Zealand florists, and choose the perfect bouquet for the occasion. To help you choose, we share real customer reviews and provide transparent pricing options.

        Once you've placed your order, your chosen florist will get to work selecting the freshest flowers, before creating your bouquet by hand and delivering your flowers. That's the Direct2florist way.

        A gift for every occasion

        Flowers are a universal way to express love, gratitude, and support. A bright, cheerful bouquet adds extra joy to a birthday or anniversary. A soft, elegant arrangement conveys sympathy and comfort when words aren’t enough. Fresh seasonal flowers make the perfect gesture for Christmas, Mother’s Day, or even a spontaneous reminder that you’re thinking of someone. For those celebrating Waitangi Day or a special milestone, sending flowers from the UK to New Zealand is a thoughtful way to be part of the moment, even from afar.

        Bridging the distance with flowers

        A direct flight from London to Auckland takes over 24 hours. Your flowers don’t need to travel that far. With experienced florists across the country and a streamlined ordering process, your bouquet is designed and delivered locally, ensuring it arrives fresh, fragrant, and full of life.

        Wherever your loved ones are in New Zealand, Direct2florist makes it easy to send a little love their way. Whether it’s a delivery to a city apartment in Wellington or a home tucked away in rural New Zealand, every bouquet is arranged with care and delivered with a personal touch, making your thoughtful gesture feel that much closer.

        Florists NZ
        Wellington skyline with modern buildings, a harbor, and green hills in the background.