Mother's Day Flowers Delivery by Florists

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8th Mar


9th Mar


10th Mar

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Mon - Fri:09:00 - 17:00

Sat:10:00 - 14:00


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        BFA Floristry Service Provider of the Year 2024

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        Flower delivery for Mother's Day by florists

        Make Mother’s Day extra special by sending a beautiful gift of luxury flowers, delivered directly to her door from a local independent florist. Delivery on Mothering Sunday itself to London, Manchester, Edinburgh and everywhere else across the UK is no problem at all. So go on, make mum’s day!

        Woman smiling while holding a bouquet of pink and white flowers.
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        Why go direct?

        Send flowers & support local – it’s a win-win!

        Brighten their day & boost the high street

        Award-winning customer service

        Friendly, expert help—just a call or email away

        Same day international delivery available

        Available on orders placed before 2pm

        Rated 4.8/5 on Trustpilot & Google Reviews

        A trusted service loved by many worldwide


        Approved florists

        Show mum your love with Mother's Day flowers from Direct2florist

        From timelessly classic bouquets or basket arrangements, through to convenient hand-tied designs, we use only the freshest flowers in all of our Mother's Day gifts. All of our flowers for mum are made by skilled local florists and delivered by hand, ensuring that most special person receives only the very best. Whatever gift you decide to send to mum, send it with love through Direct2florist.

        Bouquet in the background with a hand holding a gift card which says "Happy Mother's Day!"

        Approved florists

        Why do we send flowers for Mother’s Day?

        Historically, Mother's Day gifts included Simnel cake – a traditional fruit cake containing layers of almond paste or marzipan – and flowers. The flowers were picked by people on their way home from work for a day with their mum – with wild flowers picked from the country lanes.

        Of course, the tradition to spoil mum with a beautiful bouquet of flowers has stood the test of time and continues today. While the tradition may have stayed the same, the way we send flowers has moved forward and it has never been easier to buy Mother’s Day flowers online through Direct2florist. We have a huge range of Mother’s Day flowers for you to choose from, including firm favourites and more contemporary designs.

        Smiling florist at front door holding a pastel themed Mother's Day Bouquet ringing the door bell

        Approved florists

        What’s the history of Mother’s Day?

        Mother's Day has a long history – not to mention a number of different possible origins.

        One theory believes that celebrations date as far back as the ancient Greeks, who celebrated Rhea, the mother of Gods and Goddesses, every spring with festivals of worship. Another idea is that the celebration was developed by the Romans – often the originators of our celebration days including Valentine’s Day – who celebrated a Mother Goddess, Cybele, every March as far back as 250BC.

        However, the Mother’s Day that we celebrate today began as a religious event. On the fourth Sunday in Lent, the day was used to honour and give thanks to the Virgin Mary, also known as Mother Mary. These celebrations required people to visit their 'mother' church – the main church or cathedral in a family's area. The gatherings reunited families and gave children who worked as domestic servants, or as apprentices away from home (from as early as ten years old), the opportunity to have the day off to join their family and see their mother.

        Whilst the day had a firm following for many centuries since the 16th century, by 1935 it started to decrease in popularity and was celebrated less and less in Europe, until World War Two. Americans and Canadians celebrated Mother's Day during the war, feeling a crucial need to give thanks to their mothers whilst away at war. The Brits and other Europeans followed their comrades, and they too gave thanks to their mums, placing Mother’s Day firmly on the UK celebration calendar.

        Close-up of a woman holding a pastel themed bouquet at her front door.