A beautiful selection of flowers chosen by our creative florist team. Please note that the flowers will be delivered without a cellophane bubble of water unless otherwise requested.
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A seasonal, autumnal selection of beautiful blooms, hand tied and ready to place into your own vase.
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A beautiful seasonal mixture of flowers chosen by the florist, arranged in a rustic trug basket.
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Designer's Choice pastel bouquet
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Let our florist choose a stunning, vibrant selection of flowers to arrange into a beautiful hand-tied bouquet. Please note that the flowers will be delivered without a cellophane bubble of water unless otherwise requested. The flowers may vary from the photograph depending on availability but will be a lovely vibrant mixture.
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A classic mix of pinks, greens and whites, hand tied and gift wrapped.
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Let our team of talented florists create a showerstopper bouquet to wow your loved one!
Please note that flowers and colours will vary from the photo depending on availability. Please specify any colour preferences when ordering.
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The perfect gift for any plant lover, we will carefully gift wrap a selection of beautiful houseplants.
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A welcomed addition to any flower delivery, add an elegant glass vase to your order and leave a lasting impression. (Design may vary)
Add-on Glass Vase
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Posy arrangement in springlike shades of blue, yellow and white. Please note this arrangement is made with seasonal flowers and foliage and will vary from the photograph depending on availability. However, the colours and style will remain the same. Sizes as follows - standard 12", medium 14", large 16"
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Let our team of florists choose a seasonal selection of flowers to say farewell to a loved one. Sizes as follows. . . Standard 12", medium 14", large 16"
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An elegant selection of white and green flowers and foliage, arranged in a traditional wreath. Standard 12", medium 14", large 16"
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Let our team of florists choose a seasonal selection of flowers for your farewell tribute. Standard 3ft
Medium 4ft
Large 5ft
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Beautiful casket spray of stunning roses (please specify colour when ordering) mixed with seasonal foliage. Standard 3ft
Medium 4ft
Large 5ft
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Example Style 2: Dad in Letters.
(All words available in this style.) Oasis Dad Frame. Foliage edge and base. Suggested flowers: Purple Lisianthus, Lilac September Flower, White Spray Roses, Cream Santini Chrysanthe-mum Spray, Gypsophila. Suggested foliage: Ruscus, Leather Leaf.
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Example Style 1: MUM in Letters.
Oasis Mum" Frame. Pink Ribbon edge. Suggested flowers: White Double Chrysanth Spray
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Show your sentiments with this luxurious bouquet of 6 red roses, perfectly presented in beautiful packaging, it’s designed to captivate and express passionate love.
beautiful blend of six luxury red roses and white wax flower or other suitable filler, elegantly arranged with lush green foliage in complementary packaging
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