When is Mother's Day in the UK & Ireland? Plus, Dates Around the World

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        When is Mother's Day in the UK & Ireland? Plus, Dates Around the World

        By Austin Clark 10th February 2025

        Mother's Day, or Mothering Sunday as it's officially and traditionally known in the UK and Ireland, is the day to show love, gratitude, and appreciation to all wonderful mums everywhere – often by having Mother's Day flowers delivered

        In the UK, Mothering Sunday has been celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent since the 16th century. The date varies in other parts of the world. Many countries follow the US and celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May – often referred to as International Mother's Day – while other countries enjoy the day on March 8th, which is International Women's Day.

        Upcoming dates for Mother's Day flower delivery in the UK & Ireland:

        • 2026: Sunday 15 March
        • 2027: Sunday 7 March
        • 2028: Sunday 26 March

        Upcoming dates for International Mother's Day flower delivery in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Malta, New Zealand, Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland, and the United States are:

        • 2025: Sunday 11 May
        • 2026: Sunday 10 May
        • 2027: Sunday 9 May
        • 2028: Sunday 14 May
        Mother's Day flower deliveries

        What's the History of Mother's Day?

        Mother's Day has a long history. Celebrations date back to the ancient Greeks, who honored Rhea, the Mother of the Gods and Goddesses, with spring festivals. The Romans also celebrated a mother Goddess, Cybele, in March as far back as 250BC.

        Mothering Sunday, as celebrated today, began as a religious event. On the fourth Sunday in Lent, people would honor the Virgin Mary and visit their 'mother' church. The tradition reunited families and gave working children a rare opportunity to spend the day with their mother.

        Though popular for centuries, by 1935, the celebration had declined in Europe. During WWII, the tradition was revived as British and European soldiers followed their American and Canadian allies in celebrating Mother's Day. Since then, it has remained a key date on the UK calendar.

        Mother's Day Flower Delivery

        Traditionally, Mother's Day gifts included flowers and a Simnel cake. Workers would pick wildflowers from country lanes on their way home to visit their mothers.

        Today, gifting flowers on Mother's Day remains a cherished tradition. With Direct2Florist, it has never been easier to send Mother's Day flowers. We offer a wide range of options, from classic pink roses to modern, vibrant arrangements that reflect the latest floral trends.

        Celebrate Mother's Day with the perfect floral gift, delivered with love and care.

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