Celebrating Easter: The Meaning Behind the Blooms

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        Celebrating Easter: The Meaning Behind the Blooms

        By Austin Clark 11th February 2024

        Freshly-cut flowers are so beautiful when placed in any space, but keeping them alive takes some hard work once they've been cut. So, how do you keep them around for just a little longer? For one, you can go for flowers that have a longer lifespan.

        If you were gifted a bouquet and had little to no control over what flowers you got, there's still a way to give them more time. Stick to these tips, and you'll benefit from the freshness flowers have to offer for more than a couple of days.

        Cut the Stems

        Once a flower is separated from its stem, you need to keep snipping at that end to ensure that it can absorb water. Don't just pick up a pair of blunt scissors—take off 2 inches with sharp garden shears for the most effective maintenance. If you don't have garden shears, a sharp pair of scissors will work.

        Also, ensure that you cut it at a slant, so that the stem isn't just sitting flat at the bottom of the vase. The aim here is to ensure that the flower can adequately absorb water for as long as there's room to keep cutting.

        Pick the Right Vase

        Not all vases are suited for all flowers. The kind of vase you use gives the flowers a higher chance of survival. A general rule of thumb: bigger and bulkier blooms are better when cut short and placed in a shallow vase for stability, while lighter flowers should be stored in a taller vase for support.

        Arrange Them Properly

        Before putting flowers in a vase, let them soak in a deep container of water. Then transition to a smaller amount in a vase. Ensure no leaves are submerged in the water to prevent bacteria growth, which can shorten the lifespan of your flowers. This is particularly important if you're working with a mixed bouquet.

        Change the Water Regularly

        Since cut flowers can't source their own food, keeping their water fresh is essential. Change the water every other day to prevent bacteria growth. Adding plant food will help keep them fresh. If they didn't come with plant food, aspirin, sugar, or lemonade can work as alternatives.

        Regulate the Temperature and Light Exposure

        Exposure to direct heat or sunlight will cause flowers to wilt quickly. Place them in a naturally cooler space and avoid heating or cooling vents, window sills, and fans—these can cause dehydration, shortening their lifespan.

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