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BFA Floristry Service Provider of the Year 2024
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Octagon flowers
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Octagon flowers
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Octagon flowers
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Octagon flowers
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Select a preferred florist to full fill your order and find out more detailsOops A Daisy
0.61 miles away
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8th Mar
9th Mar
10th Mar
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Mon - Fri:09:00 - 17:00
Sat:10:00 - 14:00
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Direct2florist Wins People's Choice Greater Manchester Family Business Award 2020
Direct2florist has been crowned winner of the People's Choice Greater Manchester Family Business Award 2020.
The award, one of the most prestigious categories of The North West Family Business Awards, was voted for by the general public and recognises family businesses that go the extra mile to deliver outstanding products and customer service across the region.
The Family Business Network, which organises The North West Family Business Awards, commented that support from the public was outstanding – a total of 4,537 votes were cast.
"This award means a lot to everybody at Direct2florist, especially as it was voted for by the public," commented Direct2Florist's Managing Director, Simon Stirling. "It's great recognition for the whole team at Direct2florist HQ and all of the talented florists who work tirelessly to deliver the best flowers day-in, day-out."
"We're proud to be a successful family business growing in a competitive floral gift market dominated by multinational corporates. Our success is built around values that come from being a family business – we support independent businesses, reinvest in our company, and always go the extra mile for our customers," added Stirling.
Sue Howorth, Founder and co-director of The Family Business Network said: "This has been a fantastic event, celebrating the great work family businesses do to enrich their communities and the economy."
Jacqui Jackson from Thomas Jardine & Co and 2020 North West Awards Chair of Judges added: "The number and quality of applications from across the North West have been outstanding. These businesses are proud to be family businesses and demonstrate real innovation."
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