Sending Flowers to a Girl: Dos and Don'ts

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        Sending Flowers to a Girl: Dos and Don'ts

        By Austin Clark 30th January 2018

        You want to send flowers to a girl but are not sure what to send—or even if it's appropriate. Here's our guide of dos and don'ts when sending flowers.

        Get Personal with the Message!

        It's very tempting to send your girlfriend the lyrics of her favourite song. We all know Britney Spears' Hit Me Baby One More Time is a great track, or Ed Sheeran's Thinking Out Loud has beautiful lyrics—but our advice is DON'T DO IT! The girls in the Direct2Florist office swear this is just too cheesy. They would prefer to receive a meaningful, heartfelt message in your own words—no matter how short!

        Don't Be Too Keen!

        We know what it's like—you've had an amazing first date, or you've just met someone you really, really like. You might think the best thing to do is surprise her with a bouquet. Well, our office girls have ONE thing to say—DON'T DO IT! It comes off as too keen and possibly a little desperate. Timing is everything! The best time to send flowers in a new relationship? After the second or third date. So, play it cool and get the timing just right—she'll think you're truly awesome.

        Prove You're Listening!

        Are you paying attention? A guy who listens can earn a thousand brownie points by proving it! Has she mentioned a favourite flower? A scent or perfume she loves? If so, bring on the charm and send her a bouquet featuring that flower. A classic little note such as "Your Favourite, x" will go a long way.

        Guys—Be Spontaneous!

        Sure, your girl might expect (and really want!) flowers on her birthday, Valentine's Day, or your anniversary. If you're doing this, make sure you send quality flowers from a real florist—a cheap bunch from the corner shop won't cut it! But let's talk about sending flowers just because. Our girls absolutely AGREE that a surprise bouquet sent spontaneously will delight your girlfriend. Feeling romantic? Pick up the phone or order online—send some flowers! You won't be disappointed.

        A Definite DO NOT DO THIS!

        Bad news—you've split up. But guys, suck it up. The word in our office is clear—DO NOT SEND FLOWERS after a breakup. No, no, no! In any case, they'll likely end up in the bin.

        In Summary

        • Be spontaneous
        • Don't be overly keen or too soon
        • Send a heartfelt message

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