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Flower Shop Adventures With Joy Knight
To finalise this month's florist shop visits, I popped into Central City Flowers Christchurch, a member of Direct2Florist, meeting up with owner Allan Jarden (above). It was lovely reminiscing about past florist events we've shared. Allan is a super Master Florist, always a delight to share flower ideas with.
We visited Tania's florist shop, Bunts Florist Clyde. Tania welcomed us warmly in her atmospheric flower shop filled with dried flowers, treasures, and a walk-in cooler. She quickly made a stunning hand-tied bouquet, and even helped us find a vineyard accommodation for the night.
Saturday morning at The Greenhouse Mosgiel, I met with owner Renae Watt. Her shop has marvelous coolers and great high benches, making for a perfect workspace. It was inspiring to see the changes and enhancements she has made over the years.
I visited Donna of Simply Flowers Dunedin and The Orchid Florist Dunedin. It was wonderful to catch up and see how her business has flourished over the years. Donna now runs a wedding venue as well, adding to her already thriving floristry business.
Visiting Bloomers Florist in Timaru was a heartwarming experience. Their bouquet arrangements were stunning, and I gifted one to a friend, Ron Logan, who was speechless at the gesture. It was a special moment.
In Geraldine, I visited Flowers Inc. Their creative shop, beautiful floristry, and warm welcome made for a memorable visit.
In Ashburton, I visited Samantha Rose Florist. Samantha's shop is beautifully arranged, and her involvement with the local florist community is inspiring. Her mother and staff provide strong support, making it a truly family-run business.
Joy Knight – Ph 021 556 347
Business Development Manager NZ
[email protected] –
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