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Discover the secret to good health and happiness: fill your home with happy and healthy houseplants
Discover the secret to good health and happiness: fill your home with happy and healthy houseplants.
Houseplants brighten up a room by bringing colour, shape, and sometimes even fragrance to a living space. But did you know plants can also brighten your day by making you feel better and supporting fitness and general health?
Over the years, extensive research from organisations such as Harvard, NASA, and the Royal Horticultural Society has shown that indoor plants can improve health and well-being. Studies consistently conclude that living with plants in a room reduces headaches, fatigue, heart and circulation problems, and even decreases the frequency of common colds. That's why space shuttles often take off with plants on board.
While all plants have some health benefits, certain varieties are particularly beneficial. Consider adding these to your home: Areca palm, Boston fern, Dracaena, Dwarf date palm, Peace Lily, Reed palm, Rubber plant, Sword fern, and Weeping fig.
Indoor air quality is essential to our health, and NASA research found that houseplants can remove up to 87% of toxins from the air within just 24 hours. However, achieving these results requires dedication, with 15 to 18 plants in 15cm diameter pots needed to maintain a toxin-free home. Even a few plants here and there can make a difference.
With houseplants in your home, you'll feel calmer and more optimistic. Research suggests that nature's presence has a significant impact on mental well-being. A Chicago study revealed that hospital patients with a garden view recovered faster than those facing a wall.
Additionally, a Norwegian study found that indoor plants can reduce fatigue, coughs, sore throats, and other cold-related illnesses by more than 30%, partly by increasing humidity levels and reducing dust.
With the bright colours of flowering plants lifting moods and foliage plants adding architectural elegance to interiors, every home should have houseplants—not only for aesthetic reasons but also for the incredible health benefits.
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