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Octagon flowers
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Octagon flowers
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Octagon flowers
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Octagon flowers
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Octagon flowers
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Octagon flowers
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Select a preferred florist to full fill your order and find out more detailsOops A Daisy
0.61 miles away
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8th Mar
9th Mar
10th Mar
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Mon - Fri:09:00 - 17:00
Sat:10:00 - 14:00
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Boosting employee morale: sending flowers to remote workers
Whatever your views on the benefits of being in the office or working from home, today's work landscape means that many employees now work remotely.
Employers seeking to maintain strong relationships with their remote workforce are increasingly sending flowers. In this blog post, we explore the significance of sending flowers to remote employees and provide suggestions for the best flowers to send, along with the optimal occasions to express appreciation.
Flowers uplift spirits, improve mental wellbeing, and create a positive atmosphere. Sent to remote employees, they serve as a tangible reminder that they are valued and appreciated. Vibrant colors and fresh fragrances can transform a home workspace, boosting motivation and productivity.
Timely delivery is crucial. Collaborate with a reliable florist for fresh, same-day delivery when needed. Be mindful of time zones when sending flowers to remote employees in different locations.
Choose a mid-sized bouquet—neither too small nor too large—to strike the right balance. Avoid romantic connotations such as red roses. Consider sending a houseplant for a lasting, thoughtful gift.
Sending flowers to remote employees is a powerful way to boost morale, strengthen company connections, and show appreciation for their hard work. Carefully selecting the right flowers and timing ensures a meaningful and lasting impact.
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