Exploding the Myths: Do Homemade Remedies Extend Flower Life?

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        The old wives tales of flower care

        By Austin Clark 31st January 2018

        Plenty of myths exist about extending the vase life of flowers by adding certain substances to the water. Lemonade, vinegar, bleach, and even aspirin are supposed to extend the life of flowers, but do they really work?

        Chrysal flower food sachet placed among fresh roses and greenery.

        The simple answer is no, although the myths are based on an element of scientific fact. For example, lemonade, or more correctly, the sugar in it, encourages flowers to open, whilst bleach will kill bacteria in the water. However, where there's a positive, there's also a negative, with lemonade and sugar encouraging bacterial growth, and bleach damaging the flowers as well as killing bacteria. So, 'homemade' remedies should be avoided!

        Wilting white gerbera daisy in a glass vase with blurred flowers in the background.

        The best food for your flowers is the sachet of flower food delivered with many bouquets. These have been researched for years to create the correct mix of sugars for food, biocides to kill bacteria, and acidifiers to encourage water intake. In the absence of flower food, simply changing the water regularly will help. Also, avoid placing flowers next to fruit, as the ethylene gas produced by ageing fruit doesn't do flowers any good at all.

        Some Homemade Flower Foods to Avoid

        • Pennies: The metals used to make pennies are among the chemicals needed by a plant to flower. However, pennies are covered in bacteria, which multiply in water, doing more harm than good.
        • Aspirin: Aspirin slows the production of a substance that promotes ageing in cut flowers. However, nearly every cut flower stem is already treated before reaching a florist, making this remedy ineffective.
        • Bleach: While bleach kills bacteria, it also increases the pH level of water, negating any benefits immediately.
        • Lemon Juice: Lemon juice reduces acidity in tap water, but it can also increase browning of foliage and inhibit water intake.
        • Sugar: Sugar can feed flowers, but it also speeds up bacterial growth, giving only a short-term boost.
        • Fizzy Drinks: Containing sugar, fizzy drinks should be avoided if you want your flowers to last.

        The Research Behind Flower Food

        Flower food manufacturers invest millions in researching the best formulations. Vase life tests ensure that new formulations work under controlled conditions, taking into account temperature, air quality, and water consistency. Interestingly, research also focuses on keeping flower water clear for aesthetic benefits!

        Large flower testing facility with rows of fresh roses in different colours.

        Other Flower Care Tips

        • Change the water regularly: Flowers thrive in fresh water.
        • Re-cut stems at an angle: When flowers are delivered by Direct2Florist, cutting the stems ensures maximum water intake.
        • Keep flowers away from fruit: Ethylene gas from ripening fruit shortens flower lifespan.
        • Wash vases thoroughly: Cleaning vases before and after use removes harmful bacteria.
        • Avoid direct sunlight and drafts: Flowers last longer in a stable, cool environment.
        • Remove submerged leaves: Leaves below the waterline encourage bacterial growth.

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