Top Tips for Planting Anemone? Can I order Anemone with local florists near me?

About Anemone

Anemone Flowers




Anemone is a flowering plant belonging to the family Ranunculaceae. The genus is closely related to other genera such as the Hepatica and Pulsatilla. In fact, they are so similar to Anemones that many plant scientists class them all together.

Anemone contain a variety of species. In 2008, about 118 species of Anemone were identified. By 2012 there were over 200 species. While these numbers include other closely related species of the flower (Anemonastrum, Anemonoides, Hepatica, Pulsatilla, Barneoudia, and Knowltonia), there are still over 63 major identified species of the Anemone.


According to Greek mythology, the Anemone flower came from the tears and blood of a Goddess, Aphrodite, and her murdered human lover, Adonis. In ancient Chinese and Egyptian culture, Anemone was a symbol of illness due to its color.

The Japanese associate this beautiful flower with bad luck. A common name for the anemone is the “wind-flower,” which comes from the Greek word “Anemoi,” meaning winds. Also, the name comes from the fact that the wind can blow away its delicate petals.

Anemone Flowers


Anemones are adorned with beautiful flowering plants, having long stems and basal leaves. They can either stand upright or face downwards. The leaves of the Anemone can be simple or compound, and have undivided leaf blades. Anemone flowers consist of 4-28 sepals, which exist in many colours including white, red, blue and rarely, yellow.

The fruits of the plant are egg-shaped and grow in clusters. They do not grow very tall, but their stems are relatively strong.

Growth & Maintenance

Anemones originate from Japan, but can be found in many parts of Europe. Their beautiful appearance and colouring make them coveted by flower enthusiasts around the world. There are plenty of Anemone species that can be grown in gardens - they exist both as hybrids and natural cultivars. While different species may have a slightly different requirement, you can start growing these flowers by fall.

Another interesting thing about Anemones is that the spring-blooming variety usually grow from tuber or rhizomes (rhizomes are underground plant stems that grow horizontally). In comparison, Anemones that grown in autumn generally come from a tuberous root.

If you have tuberous Anemones, set the tubers apart from one another in the summertime. On the other hand, if you’re dealing with a rhizome Anemone, you can take them out in spring.

Also, be aware that these perennial plants require drained, fertile soil. You’ll need to soak the tubers for quite a few hours (preferably overnight) before planting. This will soften the tubers. There’s no strict rule, but 3 ft deep and 5 inches apart should be ideal.

To maintain them, water regularly during the initial growth phase to promote a deep root system. Also, divide the clump every 24 months and remove old foliage.

If you live in a cold climate, grow Anemones in a heated hoop greenhouse, then move them out when winter is over. This is because Anemones do not do well in the cold - their tubers will rot, especially in near-zero temperatures.

Read more from the Our Guide To Spotting Flowers series

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By Miles Warner 30 September 2020