Beautiful Peonies Hand-Delivered by Local Florists.

 Order Delicate Touch flowers

Delicate Touch

Subtle and sweet is the auror of this hand-tied, beautifully presented in a complimentary gift bag. Containing only the best fluffy pink peonies and yellow roses.

 Order Pink Clouds flowers

Pink Clouds

This dreamy vase arrangement promises to make a lasting impression! Comprised with only the finest peonies along with an entourage of roses. Delivered in a pink and white colourway with complimentary foliage.

 Order Country Whispers flowers

Country Whispers

A sweetly scented hand-tied featuring Peonies with a fine company of beautifully selected flowers. Make their day with a one-of-a-kind arrangement that promises to deliver.

 Order High Rise flowers

High Rise

This stunning arrangement is sure to inspire flower lovers everywhere. Featuring bold and beautiful peonies along with a harmonious selection of complementary flowers.

 Order Florist Choice Peonies flowers

Florist Choice Peonies

Let the florist put together a lovely selection of seasonal flowers including peonies.

 Order Clouds Above flowers

Clouds Above

This exquisite collection of high quality soft shaded blooms make the perfect gift for any occasion. (please note Peonies only included when in season)


Peonies Flower Delivery

Flowers are an amazing way to show someone you care about them, so if you’re seeking out the best bouquet, look no further than a perfect peony flower arrangement from our selection of peony bouquets. With only a short window of time in which you can enjoy these flowers - from early May through mid-June, if peonies are your loved one’s flower of choice, you expect them to be even more impressed that you’ve managed to get your hands on these sought after flowers.

We have plenty of peony flowers for sale to suit a range of tastes. Pink or white peonies are forever popular! Order in a bouquet and arrangement that combine our fresh peonies with small flowers, lush leaves and delicate flowers. Don’t forget to include a little note so they know who to thank for thinking of them.

Send Peonies Worldwide

When you order your peony bouquet from one of our local florists, they won’t be put in a box and shipped through the mail. Instead, they will be beautifully arranged and then hand delivered to the lucky recipient, ready to go on display. This means you don’t need to worry about them wilting in the post or being crushed by other packages.

We’re able to offer this service because we work with over 3,500 florists in the UK and worldwide so your flowers will always arrive fresh and unharmed. Please see our locations for flower deliveryfor more information. When you buy peonies online using our website, you’re supporting the high street and local florists - which is even more reason to shop with us!

Short on time? No worries, we’ve got you covered. You can order peonies online through our website and if you order by 2pm local time, our florists can usually deliver the bouquet the same day. You can also specify next-day delivery or nominate a day of your choice for your peonies flower delivery. There’s no time like the present to show someone you care so send a bunch of peonies now!

“The ordering was easy, the flowers were delivered on time and they were really beautiful. My niece sent me a great photograph she was so delighted with them. I would use this firm again. Thank you.” ~

Pauline, 28th May.